Sonia Djaziri Larbi

Sonia Djaziri Larbi

Maître de conférences

Maître de Conférences et Directrice du laboratoire L3S, ENIT

Sonia Djaziri-Larbi

received the engineering degree in electrical engineering from the Friedrich Alexander Universität in Erlangen Nürnberg (Germany) in 1996 and the M. Sc. in digital communications – signal and image processing from the Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) in Tunisia in 1999. She obtained the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications of Paris and from ENIT in 2005. Since 2001, she has been with the Information and Communications Technologies Department at ENIT, where she is currently Associate Professor. She is the head of the Signals and Smart Systems Lab (L3S )at ENIT. Her teaching and research interests are in signal processing, audio processing, audio watermarking, Perception and Psychoacoustics, Quality and Intelligibility assessment, and signal processing for AI.


ID Titre de l'évènement Duration Date de début
Atelier de validation des référentiels métiers Acteur et Médiateur RDI 0 Hours 5 mars 2024
Atelier d’intelligence collective 0 Hours 7 janvier 2022


ID Course Name Duration Date de début
Perceptual Approaches in Sound Processing 1 Semestre 28 octobre 2024
Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling 1 Semestre 16 septembre 2024
R/Python Workshop 1 Semestre 16 septembre 2024